Sport Medicine - Exercise Science
Students choosing Exercise Science Area must closely follow the Advisor's recommendation for course sequencing. Students must complete 41 hours of required coursework within the Department of Mathematics and Division of Natural Science, not including electives for the Exercise Science Area. There are 12 hours of 300/400 level courses in Restricted Electives must be taken to fulfill the Upper Division Hour requirement for graduation with advisor's approval. Internship hours are required with this course.
The Sport Medicine Track in the division of Human Performances is offers two options of study:
- Exercise Science Area (pre-professional)
- Fitness/Wellness Specialist Area
Courses Offered at:
- All Locations
- Campbellsville
Sport Medicine - Exercise Science Degrees
B.S.Course Offerings
Exercise Science, Pre-Professional, Area - 81 hours
Human Performance Requirements - 28
- HP 389 Kinesiology Lab (Co-requisite with HP 390) 1
- HP 390 Kinesiology (Prerequisite: BIO 222) 3
- HP 393 Biomechanics (Prerequisite: MTH 112, BIO 222) 3
- HP 399 Physiology of Exercise Lab (Co-requisite with HP 400) 1
- HP 400 Physiology of Exercise (Prerequisite: BIO 222) 3
- HP 420 Exercise Testing and Prescription I (Prerequisite: HP 400) 3
- HP 421 Exercise Testing and Prescription II (Prerequisite: HP 420) 3
- HP 450 Physical Activity and Aging 3
- HP 475 Conditioning and Rehabilitation Techniques of Athletic Injuries 3
- HP 485 Internship 4
- HP 490 Senior Seminar 1
Mathematics Requirements - 9
- MTH 111 College Algebra 3
- MTH 112 Trigonometry and Analytical Geometry (Prerequisite: MTH 111) 3
Choose one course from this list:
- MTH 130 Elementary Statistics 3
- SOC 361 Social Statistics
- PSY 361 Social Statistics
Natural Science Requirements - 28
- CHE 111 General Chemistry I (Prerequisite or Co-requisite: MTH 111) 3
- CHE 113 General Chemistry I Lab (concurrent enrollment in CHE 111) 1
- CHE 112 Chemistry II (Prerequisite: CHE 111) 3
- CHE 114 Chemistry II Lab (concurrent enrollment in CHE 112) 2
- PHY 141 General College Physics I (Prereq: HS or college alg and trig) 3
- PHY 143 General College Physics I Laboratory I (must take with PHY 141) 1
- PHY 142 General College Physics II (Prerequisite: PHY 141) 3
- PHY 144 General College Physics Lab II (concurrent enrollment in PHY 142) 1
- BIO 221 Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Prerequisite: CHE 111) 4
- BIO 222 Human Anatomy and Physiology II (Prerequisite: BIO 221) 4
- BIO 348 Medical Technology 3
Choose courses from this list totaling 12 hours; advisor approval required:
- BIO 201 Zoology (Prerequisite: BIO 200) 4
- BIO 321 Microbiology 5
- BIO 362 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy with Lab 5
- BIO 475 Human Physiology (Prerequisites: BIO 221, BIO 222) 3
- CHE 341/343 Organic Chemistry I (with its lab - CHE 343) 3-4
- CHE 342/344 Organic Chemistry II (with its lab - CHE 344) 3-5
- PSY 321 Lifespan Development (Prerequisite: PSY 111) 3
- PSY 412 Abnormal Psychology 3
- HP 300 Principles of Strength Training and Conditioning (Prerequisite: BIO 110) 3
- HP 302 Assessment of Physical Activity 3
- HP 305 Community & Consumer Health 3
- HP 310 Nutrition 3
- HP 320 Human Sexuality, Education, and Society 3
- HP 355 Stress Management 3
- HP 401 Principles of Human Factors of Ergonomics 3
- HP 415 Ethics in Sport 3
- HP 430 Psychology of Sport 3
- HP 480 Special Topics 3 on demand (approval by advisor)
- HP 485 Internship 1

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